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This month's artist of the month is Kezia in Year 10 GCSE Art. Kezia has created this work by painting a watercolour self-portrait and then printing an etching of the same image over the top. This work has been inspired by selected artist Guy Denning as part of her coursework and shows great refinement and skill. Great work Kezia! #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #Artists #YoungArtists #Graphics #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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📖 This week members of the Prep School represented their class in the inaugural Poetry Reading Competition. 📖 It was judged by the Senior School Head of Drama, Mrs Cornell, who was very impressed with all of the children. Her final decisions were: 📚 Runner Up: Thea in Year 3, with The Sound Collector by Roger Gough 📚 Winner: Elysia in Year 5, with Smile by Spike Milligan All entrants were awarded a bag of chocolate coins and Thea and Elysia each received a book of poetry too! #TGSTogether #JourneyOfDiscovery #ExplorationCurriculum #PrepSchool #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Well done to our Year 12 Graphics students, Amelia and Bingbing, their screen prints are coming along nicely as they add further layers of colours to their designs. #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #Artists #YoungArtists #Graphics #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Mrs Settle was delighted to welcome teams from each House to Old School for the first House Lit Quiz in a while last week. Enthusiastic responses could be heard as the teams answered questions about The Christmasaurus, Harry Potter, fairy tales, carol lyrics and historical questions in this festive-themed quiz. Second place was closely contested by Cronsheys and Coles with Cronsheys taking the place by half a point. Congratulations to the winning team from Millingtons. The team included James and Lauren from Y6, Jensen & Jonathan from Y7 and Bailey & Dev from Y8. Well done to all those who took part! #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #DiscoverTheWorld #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Cassie in Year 12, and Annie in Year 13 were selected to represent TGS at the 2021 Model European Parliament (MEP). The MEP has been running for over twenty years, with Sixth Formers from all the member countries of the European Union and Accession States meeting twice a year to discuss and debate a variety of current issues that are relevant to countries across the European Union. TGS was invited to send Sixth Form students as part of the United Kingdom’s delegation of five to the 54th international session hosted in Berlin, Germany. This was a great honour, as they have represented our country at international level. Cassie took part on the committee for Agriculture and Rural Development; while Annie was part of the committee for Environmental and Food Safety. Both students have said that the experience has boosted their efficiency and confidence levels and are looking forward to writing up on their experiences. A huge congratulations to both students for their achievements! #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Year 2 and Year 3 have been busy learning all about the Hindu celebration of light known as Diwali. They made Rangoli patterns with coloured sand, they retold the story of Rama and Sita and made coconut barfi - a traditional Indian sweet. Jasmine kindly brought in some of her own Indian sweets to try. Look at how colourful they are! #TGSTogether #JourneyOfDiscovery #ExplorationCurriculum #PrepSchool #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Our Reception and Year 1 class recently invited their families in to visit their very own Castle as a fantastic end to their Castles topic. The classroom was transformed in to a Castle with turrets and a working portcullis (Thank you Mr Gatward!) The children all dressed up as Knights having chosen to make their own swords and helmets! They had the opportunity to share their work with their families and also to play a selection of medieval games as well as sampling medieval pottage and shortbread. Thank goodness our guests remembered the password to get into the Castle otherwise they would have missed out on all of the fun! #TGSTogether #JourneyOfDiscovery #ExplorationCurriculum #PrepSchool #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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