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Last week our Y12 and Y13 students took part in the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge. It was a 90 minute paper and this was the first year it was done online. We shall update you when we have the results! #TGSTogether #Mathematics #UKMTChallenge #TGSPathways #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Our Year 9 pupils have been learning about soldiers' equipment in WWI with some hands on experience! #TGSTogether #History #WW1 #JourneyOfDiscovery #TGSPathways #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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When in Year 11 last year, Maia entered and won the National Book Tokens design competition. Not only did Maia win the 13 - 16 category but her design was the overall winner and will be available as a book token in bookshops before Christmas. Maia's prize was a book token to spend for herself and £250 for the school. In a visit to Not Just Books in Thetford Maia chose books with fellow students of all ages in mind. Helping her was keen reader Dev who has represented Thetford Grammar School in events such as last year's National Reading Champions Quiz and who also chose books for the Prep School and Senior School libraries. "I'm so pleased for Maia that she was able to combine her artistic skills and love of reading to win this competition" said Mrs Julie Settle, School Librarian, "and I am grateful to her that we can boost the shelves of our two libraries with these new books. It's marvellous that we have such an inviting and inspiring independent book shop just around the corner in Thetford." Mrs Settle expressed her gratitude to Mrs Jane James of Not Just Books for offering a discount to help stretch the tokens further. #TGSTogether #NationalBookTokens #ShopLocal #JourneyOfDiscovery #ExplorationCurriculum #PrepSchool #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool #Thetford
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On Saturday 9th October, our international students enjoyed an adventure at High Lodge with Miss Ehinger and Miss Dunsmore. For many of the students, this was their first experience of high rope activities and they certainly rose to the challenge! The Go Ape Tree Top Challenge was an excellent zone for team work and facing up to fears - not only the heights, the physical strains and dexterity; but also our eight-legged treetop friends!!! Special mentions go to Ben’s determined focus and Ryan’s sheer enjoyment of the challenge. Danni showed particular bravery overcoming her fear to leap from the Tarzan swing platform; while Jerry kept everyone - including Miss Dunsmore - moving along the course and facing their fears at the most challenging portions of the course! A pizza lunch was enjoyed afterwards and hopefully a good night’s sleep! Thank you @goapethetford #TGSTogether #bsaintboardingday2021 #iloveboarding #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool #Adventure #Challenge #GoApe #ThetfordForest #HighLodge #GetOutside
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As part of their Castle topic, our Reception and Year 1 class took a trip to Castle Rising. The aim was to find out about life inside a castle and what medieval life was like. Pupils were able to look at the different materials used to build a castle and the different stages of decay, plus have group discussions including thinking about how castles have developed over time. Once back at school the class have been busy designing different rooms for inside the castle including defensive features that would be seen from the outside. #TGSTogether #JourneyOfDiscovery #ExplorationCurriculum #PrepSchool #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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🎨 Artist of the Month 🎨 Congratulations to our Artist of the Month for September, Jonathan in Year 7. Jonathan has completed a beautiful sketchbook page on his current topic of 'Line'. He has experimented with different styles of lines, creating a mark-making border around his page. Well done, Jonathan! #TGSTogether #Artist #YoungArtist #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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📚 In English, Year 8 have been reading the absolutely gripping book called Darkside by Tom Becker. 📚 Jonathan Starling stumbles upon an alternative world of vampires and the underground horrors of Darkside. Discovering his own heritage as partially Darkside, Jonathan becomes haunted by some evil power-hungry villains. Mostly guided by a gruff werewolf detective, Carnegie, Jonathan will uncover some dark secrets about himself and Darkside.... 📚 They have been creating a timeline of events along with character studies and seem to be hooked on what will happen next! #TGSTogether #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Discover how our Exploration Curriculum takes pupils from Pre-Prep to A Levels, and beyond. Saturday 2nd October 10:00 until 13:00 #OpenDay #Thetford #School #TGSTogether #DiscoverTheWorld
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